Human-Centered, Responsible AI

At Aliases, we believe the future of online identity lies in a harmonious blend of human ingenuity and AI innovation.

We're committed to developing AI responsibly, ensuring it empowers you, not replaces you.

From the CEO & Founder: I have worked tirelessly as a founding member of Credo AI, leading the industry in responsible AI, AI governance, compliance, regulation, and best practices. Aliases will be built on these principles from the ground up, employing industry best practices for trustworthy and transparent AI built to improve humanity.

-Kyle Ledbetter

From the CEO & Founder: I have worked tirelessly as a founding member of Credo AI, leading the industry in responsible AI, AI governance, compliance, regulation, and best practices. Aliases will be built on these principles from the ground up, employing industry best practices for trustworthy and transparent AI built to improve humanity.

-Kyle Ledbetter

From the CEO & Founder: I have worked tirelessly as a founding member of Credo AI, leading the industry in responsible AI, AI governance, compliance, regulation, and best practices. Aliases will be built on these principles from the ground up, employing industry best practices for trustworthy and transparent AI built to improve humanity.

-Kyle Ledbetter

Our Commitment:

1. Humans at the Heart of Design:

Just as in my work at Credo AI, Aliases prioritizes human needs throughout the development lifecycle. We don't just consider AI performance; we focus on how it impacts your online experience. This means:

  • Constant User Research: We continuously gather user feedback to understand your evolving needs and ensure Aliases remains relevant and user-friendly.

  • Responsible AI Best Practices: We all always strive to achieve best in class standards, and adhere to any applicable AI Governance regulatory requirements and compliance.

  • Diversity in Development: Our team reflects a global perspective, ensuring Aliases caters to a wide range of users and avoids cultural biases.

2. Transparency: You Understand How Aliases Works

We believe in clear communication. Aliases will be designed with explainability in mind. You'll understand how AI personalizes your profiles, generates content, and interacts with you. This fosters trust and empowers you to make informed decisions about your online presence.

3. Human Oversight Always:

While AI automates tasks on Aliases, human oversight remains paramount. We have a dedicated team monitoring AI performance and ensuring it aligns with ethical guidelines. This ensures AI remains a tool, not a decision-maker.

4. Fairness and Bias Mitigation:

We understand the dangers of AI bias. We'll employ diverse training datasets and implement fairness assessments to minimize bias and ensure Aliases reflects your true identity, not stereotypes.

5. Humans Prioritized Above All Else:

The ultimate goal of Aliases isn't to replace you with AI. We believe AI should augment your online presence, not control it. You'll always have complete control over your data and how Aliases personalizes your profiles.

Built Responsibility,
Driven by Delight

As pioneers in the AI identification landscape, we commit to Responsible AI principles. This means our innovations are crafted not only to entertain but to empower and ethically engage. We're here to ensure that as our machines learn, they do so with the utmost respect for human values.

Join Us on a Journey to Joy

Get ready to reshape your world, redefine entertainment, and rediscover your inner creator with Aliases, Inc. Dive into a new dimension where AI meets personalization, and where every interaction is an invitation to imagine.

Join Us on a Journey to Joy

Get ready to reshape your world, redefine entertainment, and rediscover your inner creator with Aliases, Inc. Dive into a new dimension where AI meets personalization, and where every interaction is an invitation to imagine.

Join Us on a Journey to Joy

Get ready to reshape your world, redefine entertainment, and rediscover your inner creator with Aliases, Inc. Dive into a new dimension where AI meets personalization, and where every interaction is an invitation to imagine.